Administrators how to deal with "Request for help" emails¶
For a user to be allowed to register as a member of your Online Community, the site will need to verify that the registrant is indeed a valid member. The site does this by comparing the details held on the database, with the details that the user attempts to use to register. First Name, Last Name, DOB and Peer Year (sometimes called Leaving Year) details must match exactly. Ie. If the site user record has a First Name of “William” and the person is trying to register using “Will”, the site will not grant access. The same would apply if the user entered the wrong DOB or peer year.
If a user cannot gain access, a help email will be automatically sent to the site administrator. Within that email, the admin will be able to see the details with which the person has attempted to register. Administrators should resolve the issue by doing a search for the user’s name using the search bar, to determine whether the user’s record exists on the site. Then follow the procedure below; either under “FOUND” or “NOT FOUND” (dependant on whether your search found the user or not)
NOT FOUND: ** In the unlikely event that the user is **NOT FOUND on the site:
- Use the “Add” User function in the Admin Tools to create a new (single) record on the site’s database
- Email the user with the login details (email address and password that you have just entered for the freshly created record) and ask the user to log in, check and update their details.
FOUND: If the user is FOUND on the site, you need to compare the data held on the site with the details that the person is attempting to use to register. These details will be in the help request email.
- In most instances, you can simply email the member, telling them that they need to register using “such and such” details, and that they can update all details once they’re registered.
For example: “Apologies for the inconvenience. As a security measure, the site’s registration process requires names need to match exactly. Our database records have your first name as “William”. Please attempt to register again using the first name “William” and once logged in you will be able to change it to Will, as well as updating all your other details and set a secure password of your own choosing”
- In some instances you may need to speak with the person and/or cross check school records to find out which detail is accurate. For example, people sometimes don’t remember their exact leaving year. Asking them to name a few classmates will usually help to work out the correct year.
- If you need to reset a member's password, instructions are here.
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