


How do I set up a Custom Domain?


When your site is built, we will provide you with a standardised temporary URL that takes the format However, it is likely that you will want to register a custom domain instead e.g. https://< schoolname > etc  so that you have an easy to remember URL that resonates with your branding and your community. Custom domains are inexpensive and can be secured and registered within minutes using a reliable domain registrar such as GoDaddy.

You (or your IT department) will need to visit the Godaddy site to register your chosen domain. We can then connect your Online Community to a custom domain name of your choice - e.g. instead of It's a very simple process:

Steps to Follow:

  1. Register the Domain name: we suggest providers such as Net Registry. (Note: you do not need to register for any hosting).
  2. Pass us the domain name, we will do some work at our end and pass the further information as explained in the next step.
  3. Create two Cname records ( we will pass the below records after you pass us the domain name )

    a) Add a Cname record 

        Name: Registered domain name

        Type : CNAME

        Value :     - _for Australian sites (your site starts

       Value:    - for our European clients (your site starts with

    b) Add 2nd Cname record which we will pass it to you.

      (This CNAME is to verify the domain so we can generate a SSL certificate.)

If you have trouble with this, either your IT staff or Potentiality should be able to help you out.

Please note: this can take up to 24 hours to take effect (depending on your provider)

How to create Cname Record

Select an appropriate domain registrar. If your registrar is not on the list, please search DNS/Cname record creation on your domain registrar's website

How to redirect to the same domain name:

Some common uses for this type of redirect are:

  • Redirecting traffic from to or vice-versa (depending on whether you prefer to use the “www.” subdomain or not)
  • Directing traffic from alias domains to your ‘main’ website/domain
  • To fix broken links across your website

When choosing this option, you should fill it out as follows:



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