


Selecting the database fields for your new Potentiality database

To select and configure the database fields on your site, you need to download this spreadsheet, fill it in and upload it onto our secure file upload tool. See How do I transfer my data to Potentiality for upload? for more information.

Each tab (at the bottom of spreadsheet) represents a tab on the user profile. For example: “Personal” or “Mailing”.

Each tab contains a set of fields that are totally customisable.

The tab names themselves are also customisable so you can rename, add, delete or merge tabs if you see fit.

You need to go through the tabs on the spreadsheet and add/delete/customise the default fields until you are happy with them. To signify a heading (such as “Residential Address”) highlight it in yellow on the spreadsheet.

Field Formats

Database fields can take a variety of formats.The most common field types are:

  • Free text (such as first name, last name)
  • Numeric (such as “peer year”)
  • Date (such as date of birth)
  • Checkbox (for things such as interest fields. Users can put a “check” adjacent to the areas that interest them, such as Law Society, Cricket Club or Business Breakfasts)
  • Select (normally a dropdown where user selects one of the available options – for example, the school house to which they belonged)
  • Multi-Select (normally a dropdown where user selects one or more of the available options – for example, the constituency to which they belong. A user may be an Alumni and also a Former Parent)

For Select or*Multi-Select* fields, use column F of the spreadsheet to list the options separated by semicolons. Ie. If the field is a drop down of different constituency types you would enter something like: Alumni;Former Parent;Former Staff;Donor


Fields can be designated to appear or not appear in certain areas of the site, and to certain users. To designate a field, mark the appropriate columns with an X, in the same row as that field, as shown in the example below

  • *Admin Only * - Use this designation if you wish a field to appear only to administrators
  • *Registration Page * - When users first register and log in to the site they are taken to a one page form (Registration Page) where they asked to fill in their details. This page is a balancing act between collecting useful information that may be difficult to collect in future, and allowing the user to get in and access the content on your site with minimal hassle. Think carefully about what fields you choose to include on the Registration Page. Bear in mind that site users can update their details at any time (although this doesn't mean that they will volunteer to do this!) so the data can be collected at later points in time. For example, you may send out an email reminding all members to log in and update their mailing address details or their interest fields.
  • MANDATORY AT REGISTRATION - Use this designation to indicate fields that are so important that you don't want users to be able to register without filling them in.

*Some pointers *

  • **DO **take your time and think about what fields you want and need
  • **DO **get rid of superfluous or irrelevant fields
  • **DO **aim to have a simple and easily understandable set of fields
  • **DON’T **agonise too much – you will always be able to add/delete/tweak/amend fields at any stage down the line. Nothing is set in stone. Potentiality staff can help/advise you - just ask if you are unsure!



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