Site is loading slowly¶
Troubleshooting for if your site is loading slowly or not at all.
Are other websites loading?
If other websites are also loading slowly or not at all, there may be a problem with your internet connection. Please contact your IT department or network administrator.
Other sites are loading, but Potentiality isn't
- Do you have a custom domain name (i.e. your web address does not include any of or If so, check that the domain name registration is up to date. If the domain name lapses, you may be unable to access the site.
- Is it only specific pages on the site? Some processes (such as bulk emails) can run slowly due to the amount of data that needs to be processed. If you find that bulk emailing is going slowly, consider narrowing your search by searching for "Any Value" under "Email address" - this cuts down on processing time by ignoring members who don't have email addresses (and therefore wouldn't receive the email anyway). If this doesn't solve your problem, please contact Potentiality on +61 3 9699 1663.
- How long is it taking to load? For example, click on the Home Page and time how long it takes to appear. Different parts of the page may load at different points, if one or more are not appearing or are appearing significantly slower than the rest of the page please let us know.
Only some parts of the site are not loading
This could be an issue with the Javascript not running correctly on your computer (Javascript is a way of displaying dynamic content in a web browser). If this has just started happening and you've recently changed or upgraded computers, check with your IT staff that Javascript is enabled and up to date.
If you haven't changed computers recently or if your IT staff tell you that it's up to date, the site may not have loaded correctly. Try doing a cache refresh to force the page to reload completely. To do this, go to the page that's causing you trouble and press ctrl + f5 (Windows) or command + R (Apple) on your keyboard.
Troubleshooting information
If the above isn't helping, please contact us by email or on +61 3 9699 1663. The following information will help us track down the difficulty:
- What version of what browser are you using (e.g. Internet Explorer 10, Firefox 24)? If you don't know, this website will tell you:
- Which page/s are you having trouble with? Have you been able to log in at all?
- Do you know if anybody else has been having trouble? e.g. somebody else in your office, a member of your site who may have contacted you.
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